
NHI Headlines

Northern Heavy Industries Group Co., Ltd.(NHI): 210 "big whites" send warmth to residents


"Special thanks to these 'big whites', they have brought us warmth!" "In our most difficult times, they have brought us hope!" "They are serious and responsible and have established a new image of NHI!" Since September 3rd, in the four communities of Sinhoo Northland Spring, Xiushuixinyuan, No. 9 Songgong Street, and Hehuangjiayuan in Tiexi District, letters of praise from residents have poured into the WeChat groups of the four communities. They gave a thumb up and gave special praise to the "big whites" volunteers working on the front line of the fight against the epidemic.

On September 3, during the social nucleic acid screening process in Shenyang City, it was found that some communities in Tiexi District had abnormal test results. The Tiexi District government took decisive measures to control some communities in Jihong Street. Following the call of the government and facing the risk of sudden epidemic spread, NHI organized 210 people to go to four communities of Tiejun and Gonghe Bridge in Jihong Street, Sinhoo Northland Spring, Xiushuixinyuan, No. 9 Songgong Street (a separate building) and Hehuangjiayuan (phase I) to carry out volunteer service activities overnight. These "big whites" are on duty 24 hours a day and are responsible for tasks such as cleaning and transporting garbage in the community, disposing of medical waste, assisting in nucleic acid testing, sterilization in public areas, distributing vegetable gift packages, and delivering express delivery.

The most beautiful voice   You can call me if you need it

“You can call me if you need it” This sentence has become a familiar word with the residents of the Hehuangjiayuan (phase I).Guo Qiang, an employee of NHI, is the team leader of the first group of volunteers in the first phase of the Hehuangjiayuan, whenever he completes the work of delivering vegetables and removing garbage, he will enthusiastically say to the residents, "You can call me if you need it". Because some multi-storey buildings in the community were not equipped with elevators, Guo Qiang and his team members carried vegetables upstairs and distributed vegetables door to door, delivering express delivery, taking out garbage, checking nucleic acid and disinfection and sterilization frequently, Guo Qiang and his colleagues are busy day and night, hardly touching the ground.

Similarly, as a wonderful voice that residents are most willing to listen to, "You can call me if you need it" also keeps ringing in the four communities served by NHI.

All requests will be granted a beautiful view of the community

"What to do if children’s school needs books?" "The things I bought will be delivered to the south gate. Please help me see if they have been delivered." "I can't order vegetables on my mobile phone. Can you help me?" "There are no antihypertensive drugs. Please help me to buy a box at the drugstore"……Every day, one by one help information is constantly beating in the WeChat group of the four communities, and every day, all "big whites" keep going up and down the stairs, rushing to the "last kilometer" between the supermarket drugstore and the residents.

According to statistics from four communities, volunteers received hundreds of WeChat and phone calls for help on average every day in recent days. From going to the hospital for medical treatment to buying daily necessities, the "big whites" of NHI quickly responded to residents' help with enthusiasm and diligence.

"It was too fast. I asked a 'big white' to help me buy vegetables. As soon as WeChat sent it, there was an immediate response. The vegetables were delivered to my door in an hour." said aunt Wang, a 70 year old elder who lives in Xiushuixinyuan. "These 'big whites' are really as filial as their own children!" In the call to the community, aunt Wang added another sentence.

All requests will be granted a beautiful view of four communities.

Sincere return   Throw new quilts in the air

On September 5, a sound of heavy objects falling broke the quiet afternoon in Hehuangjiayuan community. If in normal times, this kind of high-altitude parabolic behavior would be condemned by everyone, but now it has become an action imitated by four communities, attracting more and more residents to join.

Foam bricks, yoga mats, hammocks, new quilts, etc. were dropped from the residential buildings, accompanied by words of concern: "you can rest, you can cover it as a quilt, don't catch cold!"

In less than a week, 210 "big whites" of NHI deeply moved the residents of four communities with their warm and considerate services, and also won the sincere return of the majority of residents.