
NHI Headlines

NHI creates high-quality projects with ingenuity and quality


A few days after the "National Day" holiday, the temperature in Shenyang dropped sharply, but the plant area of NHI was still busy. Research, development, production and shipment were progressing in a tight manner. Two heavy trucks loaded with rod mill products that had just been tested drove out in an orderly manner to a user of a mining project in Guangxi.

"We strictly abide by our commitment to users, ensure the construction period, catch up with the schedule, and build high-quality projects with ingenuity and quality from product design, process to production. At present, all kinds of products have entered the stage of centralized delivery." Wang Chonghua, from Safety Transportation Section of the Storage and Transportation Center of NHI, said, "In the past month, we have delivered 127 vehicles of goods, totaling more than 3142 tons, contributing to the coordinated development of the industrial chain and ensuring the progress of key projects."

The design team works together to tackle key problems

In the face of such complex situations as short contract duration, heavy tasks, and great technical difficulties, the designers of NHI overcame difficulties and worked together to complete the design tasks with high quality.

The Group formulates relevant plans, allocates technical backbones to participate in the project, organizes the company's excellent designers to review the equipment drawings, and determines the best scheme, organize CAE experts of the company to conduct finite element stress analysis and optimization design for main steel structures, and determine the optimal structure, organize personnel to carry out standardized review of design and production drawings to facilitate the smooth work of production, procurement and other departments.

"In order to ensure the construction period, many members of the project team actively worked overtime to speed up the research. In just three months, each team has worked overtime for more than 3000 hours, and completed more than 2000 design and production drawings and more than 300 technical documents." Cheng Jia, Institute of Stacking and Reclaiming Equipment of NHI said.

NHI also reasonably assigned project designers, formed a design team, accurately set the task plan and design nodes for the project phase, actively communicated with the engineering construction unit to ensure that the design conditions of each discipline are perfect, ensure the smooth progress of each project, actively return visits to customers, and ensure the high-quality completion of the project.

Big data system helps the project to achieve high efficiency

In the manufacturing link, big data system and digital production provide a powerful boost for the efficient production of the project.

On September 1 this year, the production big data system independently developed NHI was successfully launched. The system uses big data technology to carry out the application of big data model building and cloud computing analysis of production and processing technology, introduces algorithm model, and combines the characteristics of small batch production and processing of single piece to simulate and inspect the high-level scheduling of production and manufacturing process planning. The results show that this system can effectively improve the planning of the manufacturing process.

"Since the system was launched, we have entered information on more than 200 projects under production, which not only reduces the information transmission time in the production process, but also ensures the accuracy of production information." Zhang Yifei, director of the production command center of NHI, said.

At present, the production big data system can effectively help enterprises to achieve lean management, optimize the production process, and solve the problems caused by the characteristics of small batch customization production. In the long run, the system will also provide strong support for enterprises to improve their operation level and achieve high-quality development.

Abide by promises and make every effort to catch up with products

At the project production site, in the face of the urgent need for centralized production of the project, NHI actively organized and coordinated, set up a task force, arranged backbone forces for projects such as China Railway Third Engineering Group Co., Ltd. and China Railway Fourth Engineering Group Co., Ltd. to speed up the system, and implemented the production mode of shift operation to ensure the progress of product assembly and welding. Up to now, through the joint efforts of employees, we have successively completed the assembly and welding tasks of cutter head, shield and other products in several projects.

At the machining site, the two 35MN press nozzle type spare parts project manufactured by NHI, after 44 days of processing and production, finally completed the machining sequence more than 10 days ahead of the process quota time. In order to complete Fangda carbon nozzle type spare parts with quality and quantity guaranteed, NHI carefully organized, planned in advance, promoted the product processing nodes, and the production, technical assistance and other relevant departments actively cooperated in organizing and implementing the processing plan after receiving the production task. Through the rapid response and active cooperation of the production system, the spare parts have completed the production and processing recently and successfully completed the task.

At the assembly site, the employees are assembling the tower mill, scrap shear and other items, and everyone is working together to catch up with the construction period and ensure the progress. The drive frame of the cylinder door of the tower mill and other related components are large in size and difficult to assemble. The assembly accuracy of the scrap shear is high. There are many and complex components and processes. In order to ensure that the project can be completed on schedule, NHI organized its employees to learn the assembly process, analyze the difficulties in the assembly of major components in advance, and improve the assembly efficiency. In response to the delivery requirements of users, the Group scientifically adjusted the production mode to ensure that the product assembly is non-stop for 24 hours, effectively improving the production progress.